domenica 24 febbraio 2013

The Interventional Pathologist

We are observing a gradual and important change in the pathologist's profession because a new character has appeared in our daily practice: we can define this character as the “interventional pathologist.” Every day, we now spend most of our time outside of the pathology department: we help nonpathologist physicians and radiologists to solve difficult clinical cases, we aid oncologists in selecting medical procedures, and we verify the adequacy of gastrointestinal biopsies in the endoscopy room. We also discuss the best procedure for molecular characterization of neoplasms. Broadly speaking, we give an effective, direct, and crucial contribution to the patients' diagnostic and therapeutic workup. Moreover, in our hospitals, pathologists personally perform cytologic biopsies, such as thyroid or lymph node fine-needle aspiration biopsy, and histologic sampling, such as breast core needle biopsy. Therefore, we have to interact with radiologists for correct localization of target lesions. [...] This expanded approach to the practice of pathology requires a unique multidisciplinary knowledge. For example, we believe that the pathologist should have a basic knowledge of imaging, and be able to interpret radiography and ultrasound images. [...] The interventional pathologist becomes a modern and all-encompassing figure in the diagnostic process. Are we ready for this cultural revolution?


lunedì 11 febbraio 2013

The development of visual search expertise in pathology residents

As pathology is a visual specialty, it would seem that to optimize training, an understanding of  how visual perception skills develop and change as a function of experience would be beneficial.
Insomma, nel corso della specializzazione,  i giovani patologi passano gradualmente dal navigare in maniera "caotica" attraverso il vetrino fino ad arrivare, verso gli ultimi anni, a fermarsi e zoomare solo sulle aree di interesse diagnostico. E tutto questo è possibile solo con l' esposizione quotidiana a casi numerosi e diversificati, sotto una costante supervisione di seniors e professori unita ad uno studio puntuale e rigoroso. Proprio quello che avviene tutti i giorni della nostra residency...

La "semplificazione" progressiva dei movimenti oculari dal I al IV anno di specializzazione. Da Krupinski et al, Human Pathology 2013.


domenica 10 febbraio 2013

Don't miss the gynecopathology free issue!

Il numero free di Histopathology dedicato ai più recenti topics sulla patogenesi e la diagnostica delle neoplasie del tratto genitale femminile.

Histopathology, January 2013, Annual review issue: gynaecological pathology.